Tourism Sponsorship Program Application

The Fremont & Dodge County CVB has developed the Tourism Sponsorship Program as a community-oriented tourism marketing and development investment program to assist in our mission of creating economic growth by promoting our destination for overnight and day visitors. The program is open to Dodge County non-profit organizations that align with one or more of the following strategic plan goals:

  • Accelerated Sales: Attract additional meetings and events to the area
  • Strong Collaboration & Partnerships: Strength relations with local organizations to be a more
    profound community advocate and promoter
  • Improved Community Engagement: Inspire interest in the tourism and hospitality industry

Factors that Fremont & Dodge County CVB may consider in evaluating a sponsorship request include, but are not limited to:

  • Location of Event: The event must take place and serve to promote travel and tourism to Dodge County
  • Event Request Date: The application must be submitted to Fremont & Dodge County CVB at least 90 days prior to the proposed event.
  • Amount of Sponsorship Request: Sponsorship fund availability is based on the Fremont & Dodge County CVB yearly budgeted allocation for this purpose. Once the fund is depleted, there will not be any sponsorships for the remaining fiscal year.
  • Recognition of Fremont & Dodge County CVB as a Sponsor: Should your sponsorship request be approved, Fremont & Dodge County CVB logo and/or name should be utilized in conjunction with any promotion of the event. CVB Staff will sign off on all sponsor materials, including logo.
  • Use of Funds: Funds will not be provided for capital projects or general organizational operating expenses.
  • Time of Year: Preference in funding may be given to events that happen during the need period of December through April.

The number of sponsorships and amount of funding is restricted and may vary from yearto-year depending on budgetary limitations. Sponsorships shall not be considered long-term commitments in order to encourage independent viability of events as well as support new initiatives. There are no guarantees that a sponsorship will be carried over from one year to another. The Tourism Sponsorship Programs funds will be paid out approximately 30 days prior to event date. If you require a special consideration, you must contact Molly Paden, ( for approval.

Application Submission (Web Form or PDF)

Scroll down to access the online form. Or click the button to download the PDF form.

Tiered Applications

The tiered application process is structured to help develop and strengthen marketing support for local community events. When trying to determine which tier your event may fall into, consider the following: Does my event bring in out-of-town visitors? Will I need a room block for anticipated overnight visitors? What do I expect the attendance of the event to be? Where will I be marketing this event? These are the types of questions that will be considered when awarding the grant amount.

Tier 1: Sponsorship Amount up to $1,000

  • Attendance is expected to be up to 100 people.

Tier 2: Sponsorship Amount of $1,000-$2,000

  • Event should meet the factors listed above
  • Attendance is expected to be up to 250 people
  • Majority of the marketing for the event is locally driven

Tier 3: Sponsorship Amount $2,500-$5,000

  • Event should meet the factors listed above
  • Attendance is expected to be up to 500 people – historical event data on attendance may be requested.
  • Majority of the marketing for the event is regionally based

Tier 4: Sponsorship Amount of $5,000-$7,500

  • Event should meet the factors listed above
  • Attendance is expected to be over 1,000 with a large percent of out-of-town visitors expected
  • Marketing for the event is local, regional, and may even be national in scale
  • Historical data on the event may be requested
  • Event proposal should include detail description of how the Fremont & Dodge County CVB will be recognized for the event sponsorship grant
  • A final evaluation and follow up is expected within 30 days post event

Contact Person(Required)


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Body of application should answer the following questions 1-5 in narrative form. Be sure to provide the DCCVB with an original application. All applicants shall send this same information in PDF format by email on or before the deadline to, Submission of hard copies does not replace the requirement for application to be sent and received by email as receipt will time-stamp application submitted.

Required for all applicants

Briefly describe your organization and any partnering organization (noting its mission and primary activities) and, if applicable, how the partners will collaborate